Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez
Upskill with
Certificate Programs
By Universities*
*These courses are offered by Universities as part of an existing partnership agreement with online education provider Emeritus.
La misión de la UAI es entregar una educación que permita a sus estudiantes desarrollar la totalidad de su potencial intelectual y humano. Así, brinda una formación profesional con altos estándares académicos y contribuye a expandir las fronteras del conocimiento a través de investigación de alto nivel. La UAI también imparte programas de Educación Continua (magísteres para profesionales, diplomados y cursos) y, más recientemente, programas online que destacan entre los mejores en Latinoamérica.
Upskill with
By Universities*
*These courses are offered by Universities as part of an existing partnership agreement with online education provider Emeritus.
Emeritus is committed to teaching the skills of the future by making high-quality education accessible and affordable to individuals, companies, and governments around the world. It does this by collaborating with more than 80 top-tier universities across the United States, Europe, Latin America, Southeast Asia, India and China. Emeritus’ short courses, degree programs, professional certificates, and senior executive programs help individuals learn new skills and transform their lives, companies and organizations.
Emeritus Institute of Management | PEI Registration Number 201510637C | Period: 29 March 2022 to 28 March 2026
Information Under SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG)
© 2024. All Rights Reserved
Duration: 24 Weeks
Modality: Online