Course Preview | Global C-Suite Officer Program from Wharton Executive Education
5:26 min
Ready to Learn More? Apply to Enroll in: Global C-Suite Officer Program
We have two wonderful faculty in this phase. With Nicolaj Siggelkow, you'll be learning about strategy assessment, strategy creation, and strategy implementation. And with Zeke Hernandez, you'll be learning about value creation and value capture in foreign markets.
Phase two of the program is about executing growth strategies, where you will learn about the different ways that companies can expand beyond their existing boundaries. Here, some of the key themes are as follows, learning how to manage the two main growth avenues that are available to companies, inorganic growth, like mergers and acquisitions and alliances, as well as organic growth, such as research and development, internal capital allocation, and other forms of internal development. You'll learn how to develop capabilities for where and how to diversify corporate scope as well as when, where, and how to consolidate corporate scope. You'll learn how to develop appropriate capabilities and structure to scale your organization globally, as well as the three main drivers of corporate value, organic revenue growth, returns on capital, and investing for the long term, as well as how to evaluate and manage the trade-offs among them.
In this phase, we'll have three great faculty members. First with me, Emilie Feldman, you'll be learning about diversifying and consolidating corporate scope as well as the modes of growth that I was mentioning. Next with Gad Allon, you'll be thinking about scaling and growth metrics. And finally, with David Wessels, you'll be learning about the drivers of corporate value and how these growth drivers map to share prices.Last but not least, phase three is about global leadership, where you'll be examining the ability to lead collaborative teams on a global scale and using leadership frameworks and methods to harness the global CXO role. Here, some of the key themes are as follows, understanding what makes for a highly effective team and how to build and lead these kinds of teams, leading teams in the global business environment, and overcoming the barriers to success that can prevent global teams from functioning effectively. Especially important in our post covid world, leading remote and hybrid teams and understanding the challenges that these kinds of teams face. Leading on the global stage and developing a checklist to serve as a complete leader. And finally, developing and strengthening your capabilities for leadership in the C-Suite.
In this final phase, we have two more excellent faculty members. With Martine Haas, you'll be learning about leading teams, especially in global and remote or hybrid business environments. And with Mike Useem, you'll be learning about capabilities for leadership in the C-Suite. As you can see, we have a great slate of faculty and content and I cannot wait to get started. Best wishes for a wonderful journey with us, and I will see you again soon.[End of Video Transcript]
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