Course Preview | Computer Vision from Carnegie Mellon University’s School of Computer Science Executive Education

1:43 min


So welcome to the program. I hope that you're ready to begin. To get started, I'd like to tell you a little bit about what you can expect from the program over the next several weeks. First, the program is composed of 10 different modules. Throughout the program, you'll find activities and assessments that allow you to both practice key concepts and apply the methods covered in the lectures.

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In addition, there are several programming assignments designed to give you hands-on experience working with images. This experience is really all about advancing your working knowledge of key principles and methods behind computer vision and exploring some introductory tools for image understanding. You will use Python to complete the hands-on programming activities, and our hope is that you will learn how to successfully implement computer vision algorithms.
So to accomplish all of this, we'll focus on helping you to implement fundamental image processing methods, use neural networks to perform image classification, extract three-dimensional information from images, and align and track objects in video.
This program includes 24-hour support for technical issues. Experienced learning facilitators will respond to content inquiries to further your learning. These resources are available for your benefit, so please take advantage of them if you need help. We hope you're ready to go, so let's get started.[End of Video Transcript]

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