AI and Machine Learning Online Courses

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are revolutionizing industries by enabling smarter decision-making and enhancing efficiency. These technologies are pivotal in shaping the future, from automating tasks to deriving insights from big data. With its expanding applications, the demand for skilled professionals is rising, offering you the opportunity to join this transformative movement.

AI and Machine Learning


CAGR from 2024-2030, US$528 billion market size anticipated in the AI and ML market

$407 billion

is the expected AI market value by 2027, soaring 36.2% since 2022


of IT experts utilize AI for efficiency


of firms prioritize AI integration

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AI and Machine Learning by Emeritus in Collaboration with Universities

The Emeritus Impact

Emeritus Impact

Outcome-Based Learning

Courses are curated and designed to meet specific learning outcomes to boost career growth.

Develop Future-Ready Skills

Our programs help learners build skills they can apply immediately to their jobs. Nine out of ten Emeritus learners reported a positive impact on their careers.

Immersive Learning Experience

Instructor-led courses and cohort-based learning experiences provide one of the highest completion rates in the edtech industry, ie, over 80%.

Source: Emeritus Impact Survey, 2023


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Accelerate Your Career With Leading AI and Machine Learning Programs

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Guide to AI and Machine Learning

Concepts: AI and Machine Learning

The digital landscape is evolving, and AI is at the forefront. Eighty three percent of companies prioritize machine learning and artificial intelligence courses. Artificial intelligence courses offer comprehensive training in machine learning, including machine learning courses and artificial intelligence certification programs. Enhance your expertise with top-tier programs in deep learning and natural language processing, exclusively provided by Emeritus in collaboration with leading universities. Whether you’re a seasoned techie or a curious newcomer, these artificial intelligence courses have the perfect launchpad for your ambitions.

Deep learning harnesses data to create intelligent systems capable of real-time emotion analysis, captivating art generation, and precise market trend prediction. While machine learning courses provide foundational AI skills, mastering deep learning unlocks its full potential, as 33% of AI adoption cases aim to automate IT processes. Whether you’re experienced in machine learning or just curious about AI, join these top university-affiliated machine learning courses via Emeritus for a structured learning journey. Artificial intelligence certification programs of varying duration are also available for those seeking flexibility.

AI is set to boost the U.S. GDP by 21% by 2030, with reinforcement learning leading the charge. This approach trains smart agents to excel in complex environments, making optimal decisions. Explore an array of artificial intelligence courses and machine learning courses offered by Emeritus from top universities. Learn algorithms like Q-learning and policy gradients to create intelligent systems that engage with the real world. Consider machine learning certification or artificial intelligence certification programs to help drive future AI advancements.

FAQ on AI and Machine Learning

AI and ML aspirants can pursue several job roles that involve the development and deployment of artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms. These roles include data scientist, AI developer, machine learning engineer, AI researcher, and business intelligence developer. Furthermore, according to insights from Job search platforms like Indeed and Turing, there is a significant demand for machine learning engineers and AI developers in various fields such as finance, health, education, and more. Additionally, professionals can also take up roles in areas such as Natural Language Processing (NLP), computer vision, and robotics.

The responsibilities of AI professionals typically include:

  • Evaluate AI systems for their intended purpose
  • Creation and deployment of AI algorithms. Write essential code for machine functionality
  • Building data science infrastructure. Set up and manage AI infrastructure.
  • Collect and analyze data using ML algorithms to identify shortcomings
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP). Enable accurate and swift understanding of human speech
  • Build AI systems for surveillance and monitoring purposes

The responsibilities of ML professionals can include the following:

  • Research, modify, and apply data science and data analytics prototypes
  • Create and construct methods and plans for machine learning
  • Employ test findings for statistical analysis and model improvement
  • Search for readily available training datasets online
  • Train and retrain ML systems and models as needed
  • Improve and expand existing ML frameworks and libraries
  • Develop machine learning applications based on client/customer requirements
  • Investigate, test, and implement suitable ML tools and algorithms.
  • Evaluate application cases and rank ML algorithms based on success potential
  • Enhance data comprehension through exploration, visualization, and identifying distribution discrepancies affecting model effectiveness in practical scenarios
  • A Bachelor’s degree in mathematics, computer science, or a related field will provide a stable foundation for a career in AI and ML.
  • A Master’s or Doctoral degree might further help in administrative and supervisory roles.
  • A basic understanding of mathematics, physics, robotics, and popular coding languages can elevate your skills further.
  • As AI and ML continue to change and develop, so will the knowledge around it. To keep up with the transformations in the industry, Emeritus offers an array of courses that will suit your career requirements and upgrade your knowledge with the latest advancements in the industry. Emeritus online courses are created to ensure continuity in your knowledge so that you do not fall behind in a rapidly changing industry.

The average salary of AI and ML professionals differs depending on their work experience, qualifications, company, and location. According to Indeed, the average salary for jobs in machine learning in the U.S. is $155,480 per year. Meanwhile, according to Glassdoor, the average annual salary of AI professionals in the U.S. is $105,074.

To increase their likelihood of obtaining a well-paid job, professionals must improve their skills and pursue further education. Therefore, an option is to sign on with Emeritus, which has partnered with leading global institutions to provide a range of online courses focused on AI and ML. These courses are designed to equip them with industry-relevant skills, thereby enhancing their prospects of securing a financially lucrative position.

AI and ML aspirants have a plethora of career paths to explore in this rapidly advancing field. Key roles include Machine Learning Engineer, Data Scientist, AI Researcher, and AI Developer, as well as specialized positions in NLP, Computer Vision, and Robotics. 

To begin with, these roles demand a strong foundation in computer science, mathematics, and statistics, along with proficiency in programming languages like Python and R. Practical data handling, preprocessing, and experience with machine learning frameworks are crucial. 

Formal education, such as university programs or industry certifications, can provide the necessary knowledge and credentials. Additionally, gaining practical experience through projects, competitions, and open-source contributions is vital. 

Being up-to-date with the latest advancements, continuous learning, and keeping a pulse on the evolving AI landscape is essential to excel in this field. With determination, continuous skill development, and the right opportunities, skilled AI and ML professionals can forge a successful and rewarding career path.

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The skills you can learn in an AI course include:

  • Deep learning
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP)
  • Computer vision
  • Data preparation and feature engineering
  • Model evaluation and validation
  • AI ethics and responsible AI
  • Practical application and project work

The skills you can learn in an ML course include:

  • Machine learning fundamentals
  • Supervised learning
  • Unsupervised learning
  • Regression analysis
  • Classification
  • Model evaluation and validation
  • Practical application and project work.
  • Model tuning and optimization

By gaining these skills, professionals can significantly improve their career prospects and enhance their ability to create impactful AI and ML models.

Emeritus offers a diverse range of online courses in AI and ML. These courses cater to computer science learners, professionals looking to enhance their skills, and individuals from various fields interested in AI and ML applications. Some of the popular ones include:

  • Introduction to Artificial Intelligence: This program offers a comprehensive exploration of AI, encompassing theory and practice. It emphasizes contemporary computational techniques for representing information and making intelligent decisions.
  • Applied Machine Learning: This course teaches a wide-ranging set of techniques of supervised and unsupervised machine learning approaches using Python as the programming language.
  • Deep Learning: This course delves into advanced topics and provides software engineers, developers, data scientists, and AI and ML professionals with deeper technical skills, allowing them to solve more complex challenges and add value to the organization.
  • Machine Learning and Data Analytics using Python: This course is focused on insight generation, visualizing data, Python data manipulation, SQL database extraction, machine learning model fitting, ETL processing, Power BI dashboard development, neural network optimization, and more.

These courses on Emeritus offer a diverse range of AI and ML topics, catering to learners with varying levels of technical expertise and industry-specific interests. 

Although AI and ML are present forces in many sectors today, it is a mammoth industry still taking off. By 2025, it is expected that the time spent by humans and machines on current tasks will be equal. In addition, by the same time, 97 million new roles are expected to emerge as the division of labor between humans, machines, and algorithms grows. 

Roles in the AI and ML industry are expected to change and adapt continuously. A varied range of opportunities is certain to open up, not only in terms of responsibilities but also expertise levels. MI engineer, data scientist, data analyst, and business intelligence developer are some of the many roles with employment prospects in the industry today. 

The greatest benefit of an online course is choice. Emeritus offers a wide range of online courses that focus on many different aspects of the industry. As these courses are created in collaboration with universities across the world, you are exposed to various professional environments. You can either choose to take up a course independent of your role in the industry or one that complements your current role and responsibilities. The ability to choose a course that fits your schedule while allowing flexibility as needed can help you be most productive and responsive to online learning. Online courses are adapting to the effects of the pandemic. These courses allow you to handle your day-to-day responsibilities while simultaneously preparing you to upskill in your respective field.

Choosing a career in AI and ML is a smart career move for several compelling reasons:

  • AI and ML technologies are being rapidly adopted across industries like healthcare, finance, retail, and manufacturing, resulting in a significant demand for skilled professionals to develop, implement, and maintain these technologies.
  • The current supply of AI and ML professionals is insufficient to meet the demand, creating opportunities for individuals with the necessary expertise and knowledge to fill the skill gap.
  • AI and ML are dynamic fields with constant advancements and new applications, offering professionals the chance to stay updated and work on exciting projects that push the boundaries of technology.
  • Skilled AI and ML professionals can find job prospects worldwide, providing the possibility of international work experience and exposure to diverse markets.
  • AI and ML have versatile applications across various industries, allowing professionals to explore different sectors and domains, expanding their career prospects and potential for personal growth.