10 Deep Learning Interview Questions to Get You That Big Role

10 Deep Learning Interview Questions to Get You That Big Role | Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning | Emeritus

In the mid-1960s, Alexey Ivakhnenko and his associate VG Lapa published the first general, working learning algorithm for supervised, deep, feedforward, multilayer algorithms. Since then, deep learning has taken over the world as an integral aspect of technology, undergoing numerous advancements and developments that have shaped its evolution into the powerful field it is today. These milestones, along with dedicated research, have been pivotal in driving the continuous progress of deep learning. To put it succinctly, deep learning imitates the complex functionalities of the human brain to use unstructured data to decipher meaning and teach machines. Professionals interested in pursuing a career in AI and machine learning, therefore, need to be well-versed in all topics related to the field. To that end, deep learning interview questions are a must-learn if you want to take your job-hunting preparations up a notch.

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Various Ways to Prepare for a Deep Learning Interview

1. Acquire Technical Knowledge

Ace deep learning interview questions by mastering the fundamentals of deep learning, and brush up on your knowledge of algorithms and programming. Dive into machine learning interview questions, focusing on popular frameworks and evaluating models effectively. Another confidence booster is working on practical projects for hands-on experience to tackle deep learning questions.

2. Practical Application

Showcase expertise in deep learning interview preparation with practical projects. To demonstrate proficiency in answering deep learning interview questions build a solid foundation in fundamental deep learning concepts such as neural networks, activation functions, and backpropagation. Additionally, practice solving a variety of complex deep learning problems and algorithms to strengthen your problem-solving skills.

system design interview

3. Prepare Strategies

Simulate real scenarios in deep learning interview preparation through mock interviews. To excel in your deep learning interview, employ effective strategies. Start by reviewing your past work and projects related to deep learning, preparing concise explanations for each. Additionally, transitioning from deep learning to machine learning interview questions is a natural step, as the two often overlap in interviews. Ensure you have a comprehensive understanding of machine learning concepts such as supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and reinforcement learning. Be prepared to discuss the differences and applications of these techniques within the context of deep learning while answering deep learning interview questions. Lastly, stay updated with the latest advancements in deep learning to demonstrate your commitment to ongoing learning and improvement.

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10 Deep Learning Interview Questions and Answers in Detail

1. What is Deep Learning?

Deep learning is a subset of machine learning that is entirely based on artificial neural networks. Much like neural networks, deep learning emulates the functioning of the human brain due to its design. Furthermore, deep learning models excel at autonomously identifying and prioritizing the most relevant features within data, often requiring minimal input from the programmer. These relevant features can encompass various aspects of the data set, such as patterns, characteristics, or variables that contribute significantly to the model’s ability to make accurate predictions or classifications. This capability greatly enhances their effectiveness in resolving the dimensionality problem and extracting meaningful information from complex data sets. 

2. What are the Applications of Deep Learning?

Some applications of deep learning include:

  • Pattern recognition and natural language processing
  • Recognition and processing of images
  • Automated translation
  • Analysis of sentiment
  • Chatbots
  • Classification and detection of objects
  • Handwriting generation by machine
  • Automated text generation
  • Colorization of black-and-white images

3. What is the Difference Between Supervised and Unsupervised Deep Learning?

Supervised learning refers to the learning method that trains machines through labeled data. This data is, therefore, already categorized and tagged to the correct set of answers. When a machine is fed this data, it analyzes the training set and produces the correct result.

Unsupervised learning, on the other hand, does not require the data to be labeled. Machines self-learn from identifying patterns and also model data according to probability densities.

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4. What are Neural Networks?

Neural networks are artificial systems that resemble the biological neural networks in the human body. Neural networks, similar to the human brain, employ algorithms to uncover underlying data relationships. These artificial systems learn tasks without predefined rules, thereby adapting to changing inputs. Built on threshold logic models, they achieve optimal outcomes by dynamically adjusting to diverse data sets. In other words, they have the ability to adjust their parameters and settings to fit the specific characteristics and requirements of the data they are processing, ultimately leading to optimal performance.

5. Discuss the Advantages and Disadvantages of Neural Networks


  • Versatility: Neural networks excel in various tasks, from classification to complex problem-solving, and scale effectively with multiple layers
  • Multilayered functionality: The architecture allows the creation of numerous layers, each with its set of neurons, proving beneficial with extensive data sets
  • Speed: Trained neural network models deliver fast outputs, therefore making them time-effective


  • Black Box Nature: Neural networks, operating as “black boxes”, make it difficult to interpret their reasoning behind predictions due to their complex internal computations and interconnected layers
  • Time-Intensive: Constructing neural network models is a time-consuming process
  • Computational Expenses: The models are computationally expensive due to extensive computations at each layer
  • Data Dependency: Neural networks require substantial data for training, surpassing the needs of traditional machine learning models

6. What is Overfitting? How to Prevent Overfitting?

Overfitting occurs when a model becomes too closely tailored to a limited data set, leading to excessive parameters and reduced predictive ability for new data. It is common in large data sets with anomalies, introducing inaccuracies in analysis. To prevent overfitting, use cross-validation for model tuning, eliminate irrelevant features manually or with selection heuristics, apply regularization (e.g., penalty parameters and tree pruning), and employ ensemble methods like bagging and boosting to combine predictions.

7. How are Deep Networks Better Than Shallow Networks?

Neural networks include hidden layers apart from input as well as output layers. Shallow neural networks use a single hidden layer between the input and output layers, whereas deep neural networks use multiple layers. A shallow network requires a substantial number of parameters to represent and approximate a wide range of functions effectively. In this context, parameters refer to the coefficients and weights that a neural network uses to learn and model the relationships within data. Consequently, these parameters play a crucial role in shaping the network’s ability to fit various functions and patterns. Additionally, the more complex the functions it needs to approximate, the greater the number of parameters required for accurate representation. 

However, since deep networks have several layers, they can fit functions better even with a limited number of parameters. Today, deep networks have become preferable owing to their ability to work on any kind of data modeling, whether it is for voice or image recognition.

Career Change Interview Questions and Answers

8. What are the Different Types of Deep Neural Networks?

We can identify neural networks based on criteria such as depth, number of hidden layers, and I/O capabilities. Types of neural network models are:

  • Feedforward artificial neural networks where information flows in one direction, from input to output, without feedback loops
  • Perceptron and multilayer perceptron neural networks, which are single-layer and multilayer networks used for binary classification and complex function approximation
  • Radial basis functions are artificial neural networks that use radial basis functions as activation functions, often employed in pattern recognition and interpolation tasks
  • Recurrent neural networks are designed to handle sequential data by introducing loops in the network, enabling them to capture temporal dependencies
  • Modular neural networks, which are composed of multiple interconnected modules, are often used for hierarchical learning and complex problem-solving

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9. What is Gradient Descent? 

An optimization algorithm that is used to learn the value of parameters that minimize cost function is known as a gradient descent. It is an iterative algorithm defined by the negative of the gradient, which moves in the direction of the steepest descent. 

10. What is the Difference Between Epoch, Batch, and Iteration?

Epoch, iteration, and batch are different types of processing data sets and algorithms for gradient descent. Epoch is the process of passing an entire data set forward and backward through a neural network just once. Often, the data set is too big to be passed in a single attempt, so it is passed several times to generate accurate results. An iterative process is passing a limited set of data several times through a neural network. A batch, on the other hand, is breaking down a data set into subsets. This is done to ensure it passes through the neural networks successfully. All three methods—epoch, iteration, and batch size—are basically ways of working on the gradient descent depending on the size of the data set.

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Practical Tips for Deep Learning Interviews

Now that we have covered the top deep learning interview questions, it’s safe to say that you have the tools to impress the interviewer with your answers. Here are some more tips to help you with your preparations:

  • To begin with, develop foundational knowledge to answer key deep learning interview questions
  • Strengthen coding skills through consistent practice, addressing machine learning challenges proficiently
  • Master TensorFlow and PyTorch to excel in practical applications
  • Demonstrate expertise through impactful deep learning interview questions and projects
  • Furthermore, stay abreast of recent research trends
  • Revisit core algorithms and optimization techniques for a comprehensive understanding
  • Improve communication skills for articulating complex ideas clearly
  • Finally, participate in mock interviews to simulate real scenarios, refining your deep learning interview preparation

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Enhance your career with comprehensive insights on deep learning interview questions and create a tech niche for yourself. Delve into AI and machine learning fundamentals through Emeritus’ expertly designed artificial intelligence courses and machine learning courses. Your dream job awaits, so enroll today!

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About the Author

Senior Content Contributor, Emeritus Blog
Iha is the grammar guru turned content wizard who's mastered the delicate dance of correcting bad grammar and teaching people how to correctly pronounce her name. With a filmmaker's flair for marketing and digital media, she's the project ninja, flawlessly coordinating remote and in-person teams for 6+ years. When not conjuring captivating copy, she's delightfully torn between diving into 5 books or diving into endless series—decisions, decisions. Beware of her mischievous dog, who is always ready for a great escape!
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