What is an Infographic and How Does It Benefit Marketing Plans?

What is an Infographic and How Does It Benefit Marketing Plans? | Sales and Marketing | Emeritus

A picture speaks a thousand words — this phrase was coined by Fred R. Barnard, an advertising executive, as far back as 1921. In the modern-day context, this is applicable to infographics too. But, what is an infographic? It is a type of marketing collateral that presents information in a visually-appealing and easy-to-understand format. Read this blog to know how it has the potential to enhance your marketing tactics, communicate complex information, and improve brand awareness. 

What is an Infographic

What is an Infographic?

An infographic is a visual representation of data, information, or knowledge intended to communicate complex thoughts in a clear and concise manner. It uses a combination of graphics, text, and design elements to convey information and tell a story, illustrate a concept, or present data in a visually appealing way. 

Infographics are often used in journalism, marketing, and education to present information in an easily digestible and understandable format for the audience. Moreover, they can be created using various software programs and can be displayed in print or digital formats.

Types of Infographics

1. List Infographics

These are written lists that convey information in a visual format. They are great for noting down several items and presenting data-rich text without compromising on visuals.

2. Statistical Infographics

What is an InfographicThey present data and statistics through pie charts, bar graphs, and other visual representations. Moreover, they are ideal for presenting survey results or research data. 

3. How-To Infographics

How-to infographics provide step-by-step instructions on how to perform a task or solve a problem. Also, they are an effective alternative to long pieces of text that describe a process. 

4. Timeline Infographics

These display events in chronological order, making them useful and informative as well as visually appealing. 

5. Comparison Infographics

Comparison infographics use a visual format to compare and contrast different options, presenting two or more alternatives side-by-side.

6. Flowchart Infographics

This is a visual format to show a process or system, using arrows and shapes to guide the reader through the steps. 

7. Process Description Infographics

This is a type of infographic that visually represents a sequence of steps or stages in a process. It explains complex procedures or workflows, such as product manufacturing, software development, or project management. 

How Do Infographics Help Marketing Teams?

Infographics are effective for marketing because they can increase brand awareness, improve search marketing results, enhance audience engagement, and serve as learning tools. The following points further explain their importance in marketing:

  • Infographics combine powerful storytelling with strong data presentation, making it easier to convey information effectively, creatively, and quickly 
  • They are visually appealing, making it easier for the audience to understand and recall the message 
  • Infographics can make a brand’s content go viral when shared on social media
  • They can be used offline as brochures, posters, and banners, and are useful educational tools that make complex information easy to understand

How to Use Infographics in Marketing

Now that we have discussed what is an infographic, let’s understand how to use it in marketing:

1. Amplify Customer Stories

By using video case studies that focus on the customer journey, marketers can create powerful infographics that amplify these stories and showcase their brand’s unique selling points.

2. Explain Complex Concepts

Infographics are useful for explaining complex business concepts or processes. Breaking down these concepts into smaller, visual units helps readers gain a better understanding of the information.

3. Transmit Complex Data Clearly

Infographics are an ideal tool for conveying complex data sets in a clear and engaging way. However, it’s important to not overload your infographic with too much information and to remember to convey a clear message.

4. Visualize Trends

Infographics are particularly effective at illustrating trends or comparisons, such as growth over time. By using comparative charts or graphs, infographics can help audiences better understand the significance of numerical data.

5. Turn Data into a Visual Story

Infographics work best for data visualization when a visual story is created. Moreover, data when presented in an appealing way makes it easier to understand.

Tools for Creating an Infographic

Creating an infographic requires creativity and an effective set of tools. Here are some popular tools to help you create an infographic:

1. Canva

Canva is a graphic design tool that allows you to create professional-looking graphics and infographics. Moreover, it has a user-friendly interface and a wide selection of templates, graphics, and fonts to choose from.

2. Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Illustrator is a vector graphics editor that can be used to create high-quality and scalable infographics. Furthermore, it has a steep learning curve but, once mastered, it can produce excellent results.

3. Piktochart

Piktochart is a web-based tool that offers easy-to-use templates and graphics to help you create infographics quickly. Moreover, it also has a library of icons, graphics, and images that you can use to customize your designs.

4. Venngage

Venngage is an online infographic maker that allows you to create interactive and engaging infographics. Furthermore, it offers a wide range of templates, charts, and icons, as well as the ability to add video and audio to your designs.

What Should One Include in a Marketing Infographic?

What is an InfographicA marketing infographic should be designed to convey information about a specific marketing topic in a visually engaging way. The following are some key elements that should be included:

1. Data

It is essential to have accurate and reliable data to support your marketing message.

2. Headline

A catchy headline can grab the attention of your target audience and entice them to read your infographic.

3. Design

The design of your infographic should be visually appealing and easy to understand.

4. Branding

Your infographic should include your brand’s logo and colors to help build brand recognition and trust.

5. Call-to-Action

A call-to-action is an important element that prompts readers to take action, such as signing up for a newsletter or following your social media pages.

6. Sources

Including sources for the data used in your infographic helps establish credibility and trust with your audience.

7. Story

An infographic should tell a story that is relevant and engaging to your target audience.

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Mistakes to Avoid When Creating an Infographic

A major part of learning how an infographic works is to know the mistakes to avoid when creating. Here are some common ones to make note of:

1. Lack of Focus

Infographics should have a clear message or focus. Avoid cramming too much information in a single infographic. Moreover, stick to a single topic and provide supporting data or statistics that can effectively communicate your message.

2. Poor Design

A visually unappealing infographic can deter the audience from reading or understanding your message. Additionally, use appropriate fonts, color schemes, and images to make your infographic attractive and professional-looking.

3. Inaccurate Data

Always ensure that the data you use in your infographic is accurate, reliable, and up-to-date. Incorrect data can undermine your credibility and distort your message.

4. Lack of a Story

Infographics should be designed to tell a story. Use a narrative structure that makes it easy for the audience to understand the information you’re presenting. Furthermore, include an introduction, body, and conclusion.

5. Failure to Optimize for Sharing

An infographic that is not shareable or cannot be easily distributed may not reach its target audience. Use social media sharing buttons, embed codes, and other tools to make it easy for your audience to share your infographic.

6. Over-Reliance on Text

The goal of an infographic is to present complex information in a visually engaging way. Avoid using too much text in your infographic as it can make it overwhelming and difficult to read. Moreover, use images, charts, graphs, and other visual aids to simplify the information.

7. Lack of Promotion

Promote your infographic using various channels such as social media, email newsletters, and blog posts. This will help you reach a broader audience. Moreover, it will help increase the chances of the infographic going viral.

Accelerate Your Marketing Career With Emeritus

Are you interested to learn more about infographics and other in-demand skills and trends related to marketing? Enroll in Emeritus’ marketing courses to enhance your expertise in driving marketing and enabling business growth, both online and offline.

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What is an Infographic

About the Author

Content Writer, Emeritus Blog
Sneha is a content marketing professional with over four years of experience in helping brands achieve their marketing goals. She crafts research-based, engaging content, making sure to showcase a bit of her creative side in every piece she writes. Sneha spends most of her time writing, reading, or drinking coffee. You will often find her practicing headstands or inversions to clear her mind.
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