How to Become a Video Game Designer: Is it a Growing Industry?

How to Become a Video Game Designer: Is it a Growing Industry? | Technology | Emeritus

Video game designers build games that run on computers and gaming consoles. They create flowcharts and storyboards, write code, and troubleshoot bugs. Careers in video game creation appeal to computing experts with a passion for software development. In addition, because game designing is frequently a community-based endeavor, the profession is well-suited for collaborative workers. Let’s take a closer look at this profession and understand how to become a video game designer. 

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Skills You Need to be a Video Game Designer

Let’s look at how to become a video game designer and the skills required.

Workplace Skills

  • Penchant for gaming
  • Communication skills
  • Creativity
  • Flexibility
  • Problem-solving
  • Willingness to collaborate as part of a team

Technical Skills

  • Knowledge of computer graphics
  • Animation abilities
  • Adobe Photoshop expertise
  • Knowledge of design theory
  • Understanding of software and hardware development

Jobs and Specializations for Video Game Designers

how-to-become-a-game-developerYou might find out how to become a video game designer and prepare yourself accordingly, but you should also know what kind of job roles you can aim for. Here’s a list of career options you can pursue once you’ve developed your skill set.

Computer Programmer

Computer programmers produce code for software and apps in collaboration with software developers and engineers. Therefore, they must be fluent in programming languages such as C++ and Java.

Web-based Games Developer

Web-based game developers are in charge of website design and maintenance. They design game websites based on the requirements of the customer or company.

Video Game Producer

Producers of video games manage projects and hold meetings across many departments. In addition, they keep product development on track, do market research, and assist with marketing initiatives.

Technical Project Manager

Technical project managers frequently divide tasks into sections, defining milestones and goals. They address issues, prioritize activities, and help their team build projects.

Now let’s look at the qualifications needed and the potential salary each of these positions can get you.

Career Minimum Education Experience Average Salary
Computer Programmer Bachelor’s Degree  Freshers can apply $93,000
Web Developer Bachelor’s Degree  Freshers can apply $78,300
Video Game Producer Bachelor’s Degree Three-plus years of experience in the relevant field $80,126
Technical Project Manager Bachelor’s Degree Three-plus years of experience in the relevant field $97,013

ALSO READ: How to Become a Game Developer and Create Great Games

How to Become a Video Game Designer

Earn a Degree

A Bachelor’s Degree in Multimedia Design or a closely related discipline is required to become a video game designer.

Enroll in Boot Camps

Consider attending a boot camp to improve your CV and gather more portfolio material and knowledge in a shorter time frame.

Enroll in Executive Programs

Video games are a primary developing creative form, and game design schools are becoming increasingly common. Enrolling in an executive program for video game design can help you gain better knowledge. 

Technical Skills

Technical skills are the core foundation of video game design. 

Complete an Internship

An internship can act as a stepping stone to your game designing career. 

Build a Portfolio

It is critical to developing a portfolio that is easy to access and explore for a hiring manager to see the work you have done. 

Learn New Skills

Learning new skills like an additional coding language, staying on top of technology, etc. is always beneficial as it adds another feather to your cap of existing skills. 

Workplace Skills

Workplace skills refer to the technical and hard skills at the core of video game design. 

Actively Participate in the Field

Develop your interest in this profession by attending networking events. Networking can be a great source of support throughout your video game designing journey. 

Create Your Own Games

Creating your games is a quick way to learn and get hands-on experience in video game design. 

Enlist in Online Courses

Enlisting in online courses is the best way to learn about video game design. They offer you the flexibility of time and pace at which you want to study since video game design can be a complex course to learn. Having that flexibility will help you tremendously cope with new learnings.

ALSO READ: Game Design: Step Into a Fun, Exciting Career for the Future

Career Path Overview

Salary and Career Prospects of a Video Game Designer 

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, video game creators are classified as software developers, and employment for software engineers will grow 25% between 2021 and 2031. As of March 2022, video game designers earned an average yearly income of $67,300, according to Payscale. Having said that, though, education, geography, industry, and experience are all factors that determine pay potential.

How to Find an Internship?

The best way to practically apply your learnings of how to become a video game designer is through an internship. Use the following steps to find the one best suited to you:

Find Companies Where You Want to Work

Check out the websites of the game studios you wish to work for while looking for a video game internship. When you’ve decided where to apply, find out what you can about the company. It is always beneficial to do so before your interview.

Participate in Networking Events

Check to see if your community has career fairs or networking events where you can meet representatives from various game studios. This is your time to create a solid first impression and connect with someone in person. 

Send Well-Written Applications

When writing your CV and cover letter for an internship, customize it for the job you seek. First, read the internship description carefully and pay attention to any abilities the company desires. Then, consider how you can include these abilities in your CV and cover letter. 

Get Ready for Your Interview

When you receive an interview invitation, be prompt with your response. Just before your interview, brush up on the information you have about the firm and read over the job description. You can even conduct a practice interview with a friend to rehearse your answers. Here are some anticipated questions:

  • What is your motivation for working in the video game industry?
  • What contribution can you make to our team?
  • What are your thoughts about our studio?
  • What are your strongest and weakest points?
  • What are you hoping to gain from this internship?

Expect Knowledge and Competence Tests

Employers can use specific exams to determine if you have the necessary knowledge and abilities for this position. Therefore, before your interview, refresh your math, coding, and reasoning abilities. By anticipating a test, you can be ready when your employer starts the timer.

How Hard is it to Become a Game Designer?

While it may be fun and exciting, a career in video gaming isn’t easy. There will be multiple challenges along the way, like:

  • Long working hours
  • Stressful situations
  • Competitiveness in the field

If you enjoy narrative and incorporating characters and themes into interactive gaming, video game design can be the profession for you. You can use your imagination to create new video games for consumers and educators. You can discover technology courses on Emeritus to help you design your own games and take your first steps into the profession.

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About the Author

Content Contributor, Emeritus
Siddhesh is a skilled and versatile content professional with 4+ years of experience in writing for the digital space and the screen. As a polyglot with a flair for many different languages, he specializes in creating engaging narratives. With a passion for storytelling and an unwavering commitment to excellence, he writes thought-provoking and persuasive blogs about careers in different fields. Siddhesh is a doting cat parent and has also graduated to becoming a musician after releasing his debut single on Spotify recently.
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