
Eruditus Learning Solutions Pte Ltd and its subsidiaries (collectively, Eruditus Group) are committed to operating in an ethical manner and in compliance with applicable anti-bribery laws and regulations in all jurisdictions in which we operate. The Eruditus Group takes a zero-tolerance approach towards bribery and corruption in any form. We prohibit the direct or indirect giving or receiving of improper payments or other benefits for purposes of obtaining any advantage. We expect all of our directors, officers, employees, business partners and third parties (collectively, Stakeholders) to act professionally and fairly by maintaining the highest standards of ethics and integrity in all their business dealings. To achieve this, the Eruditus Group has implemented and enforced our ABAC policies as briefly described in this Policy Statement, and will continue to implement and enforce, such policies and other effective systems to counter improper activities.

We prohibit facilitation payments. Stakeholders must not pay any amount as facilitation payment on our behalf irrespective of whether reimbursement for such payment is claimed. All Stakeholders are required to adhere to our ABAC policies or face consequences imposed by the Eruditus Group and/or civil and criminal prosecutors.

All Stakeholders play an important role in conducting business in an ethical manner and in conjunction with applicable local and other regulations and laws in the geographies where we operate.

We reserve the right to periodically update our policies and other governance instruments. Stakeholders who fail to comply with these policies, or applicable laws or regulations will be subjected to disciplinary action including but not limited to termination of employment or contract(s), or legal proceedings.

Discrimination, victimization, retaliation, harassment of any kind or any unfair practices (such as threat or intimidation, demotion, transfer, refusal of promotion, impact on performance measures, talent assessments or evaluation, etc.) against anyone who reports any potential wrongdoings of our policies in good faith or anyone who cooperates or provides information/data relating to the Eruditus Group or governmental authorities in connection with an investigation, will not be tolerated.

Please refer to our ABAC policy here.

Eruditus Learning Solutions Pte Ltd and its subsidiaries (collectively, Eruditus Group) Vendor Code of Conduct (referred as “Code”) establishes business practices that are expected from Vendors in the course of their dealings with Eruditus Group.

Eruditus Group is strongly committed to observing the highest ethical standards in conducting its business with Vendors. The Code outlines the minimum compliance requirements from Vendors in all procurement dealings to ensure sustainability, transparency and accountability.

Eruditus Group may amend and add to this Code at any time and Vendors and Vendor Representatives are bound by such amendments and additions published from time to time. It is the responsibility of the Vendor to ensure that Vendor Representatives comply with this Code.

Please refer to our Vendor Code of Conduct here.

At Emeritus we strive to create a safe and healthy work environment for all – one that is free of prejudices, biases and harassment. We encourage all our stakeholders to maintain a work environment free from all forms of sexual harassment. Erulearning Solutions Private Limited has therefore put a policy in place in line with the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 (hereinafter referred to as “POSH Policy”) and has constituted an Internal Committee to consider, inquire, and/or redress any Sexual Harassment complaints.

Any aggrieved woman who feels that she is being subjected to any form of sexual harassment, directly or indirectly, may submit a complaint of the alleged incident of sexual harassment at workplace to the Internal Committee either via email or in writing (hard copy) as per our POSH Policy. Where the aggrieved woman is unable to make a complaint on account of her physical or mental incapacity or otherwise, her legal heir or such other person as may be prescribed under the Act may make a complaint to Internal Committee by following the same steps.

Our POSH Policy can be referred here

Internal Committee for locations other than Delhi and Bangalore

For any issues pertaining to locations other than Delhi and Bangalore, an email can be sent to POSH@eruditus.com or send it via registered post addressing it to the Presiding Officer of the Internal Committee at 303, Inizio Cardinal Gracious Road, Chakala, Andheri-East, Mumbai – 400 099

Name Role
Ms. Akshay Pathak Presiding Officer*
Ms. Payal Thakker Interim Presiding Officer*
Ms. Kanika Jethi Internal Member
Ms. Suchitra Thingalaya Internal Member
Mr. Navin Nichani Internal Member
Ms. Anita Melvin Mendonca Internal Member
Mr. Parag Zacharia Internal Member
Mr. Venkatachalam Iyer Internal Member
Adv. Taru Gupta External Member

*Ms. Akshay Pathak is an Internal Member since 11th Oct 2022
*Ms. Payal Thakker is appointed as Interim Presiding Officer from 06th January 2025 to 07th July 2025. She is an Internal Member since 1st November 2022

Internal Committee for Delhi

For any issues pertaining to Delhi, an email can be sent to POSH.Delhi@eruditus.com or send it via registered post addressing it to the Presiding Officer of the Internal Committee at Regus Eversun Business centre, Punj Essen House, 17-18 Nehru Place, New Delhi – 110019.

Name Role
Ms. Akshay Pathak Presiding Officer*
Ms. Payal Thakker Interim Presiding Officer*
Ms. Kanika Jethi Internal Member
Ms. Suchitra Thingalaya Internal Member
Mr. Navin Nichani Internal Member
Ms. Anita Melvin Mendonca Internal Member
Mr. Parag Zacharia Internal Member
Mr. Venkatachalam Iyer Internal Member
Adv. Taru Gupta External Member

*Ms. Akshay Pathak is an Internal Member since 11th Oct 2022
*Ms. Payal Thakker is appointed as Interim Presiding Officer from 06th January 2025 to 07th July 2025. She is an Internal Member since 1st November 2022

Internal Committee for Bangalore

For any issues pertaining to Bangalore, an email can be sent to POSH.Bangalore@eruditus.com or send it via registered post addressing it to the Presiding Officer of the Internal Committee at 45/3, Ground Floor, Residency Road, Gopala Krishna Complex, Bengaluru – 560025.

Name Role
Ms. Akshay Pathak Presiding Officer*
Ms. Payal Thakker Interim Presiding Officer*
Ms. Kanika Jethi Internal Member
Ms. Suchitra Thingalaya Internal Member
Mr. Navin Nichani Internal Member
Ms. Anita Melvin Mendonca Internal Member
Mr. Parag Zacharia Internal Member
Mr. Venkatachalam Iyer Internal Member
Adv. Taru Gupta External Member