How to Prepare for Job Interview – A Step by step Guide

A tête-à-tête conversation with a business leader will make you understand the importance of preparation in a job interview. But, more than your skills and qualifications, how you present yourself in an interview is more vital. Moreover, it enhances your chances of getting a job.
So, when you discover an opportunity, you must make the best of the situation by putting in exemplary efforts. And preparing for an interview round is ‘the effort’ that ensures you secure your dream job. In this article, we will enlist vital job interview tips and tricks.
But, before delving deep into the preparation required for an interview, let’s understand the meaning of an interview. So, what is an interview? It is a meeting organized by a recruiter to evaluate an employee’s potential. Although the employer organizes it, an interview is a two-way process that requires equal participation from both parties.
How To Prepare For An Interview?
Businesses are at the onset of commendable technological innovation, and leaders are focusing on recruiting professionals with a variety of skills and capabilities to handle the disruption caused by the transformation. However, to stand out from the rest and create a lasting impression on the interviewer, it is imperative to brush up on your interview skills.
So, next time you get a call for an interview, start preparing for the interview by searching for the company’s history and then move on to referring to common job interview questions and answers to future-proof your preparation. We have divided the preparation process into three stages- before the interview, during the interview, and after the interview. In the succeeding paragraphs, we will look into them in detail. Let’s start with understanding how to prepare before a job interview.
What To Do Before The Interview?
Preparing for the interview is a comprehensive process that starts with a better understanding of the company and the job role offered. So, before the interview, you must know important details related to the company- from their clients to business practices. Moreover, it is vital to understand the role and responsibility you will be playing in the organization. It helps you prepare for the interview accordingly. Here are some tips you need to keep in mind before the interview round:
- Dedicate more time to researching the company and planning for the interview.
- Review your resume and add skills matching the aspiring job role. Otherwise, you can search for key skills for your resume online and add them accordingly.
- Contact your references and inform them about the interview. Alert them about the interview and that they might receive a call or email from the employer.
What To Do During The Interview?
An aspirant can do only a little during the interview round besides focusing on the etiquette and information they communicate with the employer. Here are some prerequisites to remember during the interview:
- Maintain positive body language throughout the interview. In addition, speak in full sentences and make eye contact while answering.
- Don’t badmouth your previous employer. Instead, keep a neutral or positive tone while mentioning your previous company.
- Avoid using jargon or talking about personal problems, etc.
What To Do After The Interview?
An endless wait awaits you after the interview, which can be daunting and frustrating. However, to shorten the wait, you can try to ensure your employer doesn’t forget you in the mayhem and competition, starting with a gratitude message after the interview and continuing with a regular follow-up with the human resource department.
Now that you know how to conduct yourself in different stages of an interview let’s look at some of the job interview tips that will increase your chances of getting some of the top highest-paying jobs in India, have a look at them.
- Research the company’s history, mission and vision statements, ideologies, market share, and other details directly affecting your career prospects.
- Pay special emphasis on the dress you wear for the interview. It must accentuate your personality and impress the employers.
- Always be punctual for your interviews, be it face-to-face or telephonic. It demonstrates the importance and significance of others’ time in your life.
- At the end of the interview, ask questions and clear all your queries pertaining to the job profile, company culture, goals, or pay package.
- Follow-up with the human resource department after completing the interview. It increases your chances of getting the job.
Now, in the last part of the article, we will enlist some of the don’ts or things you must avoid before, during, or after the interview; here are they:
- Avoid sending a long resume to the employer.
- Never be late for the interview.
- Ask complicated questions to the hiring managers.
- Forget important documents requested by the human resource department.
- Don’t offer unnecessary details about your personal and professional life.
Confidence is one key interview skill that bridges the gap between you and your dream job. Many leadership courses help build confidence in candidates appearing for the interview. Emeritus India has some of the best courses to boost your confidence and increase your chances of getting your dream job. In addition, we have partnered with Indian universities to offer some of the best certification courses to skyrocket your career.