What is Random Forest In Data Science and How Does it Work?

What is Random Forest In Data Science and How Does it Work? | Data Science | Emeritus

Are you ready to unlock the power of the random forest and make data science work for you? Random forest is an incredibly powerful tool that can help you gain insights from your data quickly and accurately. With its powerful algorithms, it can open up a world of possibilities for your business. In this guide, you’ll know what a random forest is, and how it works. Also, you will discover the benefits, examples and why it’s essential for data science.

What is Random Forest Data Science?

It is a supervised learning technique that constructs an ensemble of decision-tree classifiers and uses random selection to create multiple forests from which the final prediction is made. The random forest has been utilised in various applications, ranging from healthcare to finance.

How Does Random Forest Work?

Random forest is an ensemble learning method that combines multiple decision trees to arrive at a more accurate prediction.

  • Random forest works by combining a set of decision trees to create an ensemble.
  • Each tree is built with random subsets of data. Therefore, allowing the random forest algorithm to form more accurate predictions than traditional machine learning methods.
  • The random selection process helps reduce variance and overfitting within the model while making it more robust and resilient to noise in the data.
  • During training, random forests generate multiple decision trees, which are used for making predictions on unseen data points (test instances).
  • At prediction time, the random forest algorithm averages each tree’s prediction to compute the outcome for a given test instance.
  • This averaging mechanism helps reduce the variance of the random forest model and leads to more accurate predictions.
  • Ultimately, random forests are powerful machine-learning algorithms that can be used for various applications, such as predicting customer churn, fraud detection, and medical diagnosis.
  • They can accurately predict outcomes with minimal data pre-processing and provide robust predictive accuracy even in noisy datasets.
  • Moreover, random forests are easy to train and can scale well to large datasets with thousands of features or dimensions.
  • Finally, random forests are suitable for both regression and classification tasks, making them a versatile tool for data science practitioners.

Benefits of Random Forest That you Can’t-Miss

  1. Random forests provide accurate predictions even when the data is noisy and have a low tendency to overfit on the training set.
  2. They are easy to train and can handle large datasets with thousands of features or dimensions without much difficulty.
  3. Random forests are also well-suited for regression and classification tasks, making them an extremely versatile machine-learning algorithm for data science practitioners.
  4. Additionally, random forests generate meaningful variable importance scores. Therefore, which can help identify essential variables in a dataset and inform feature engineering efforts (exploring interactions between variables, etc.).
  5. Finally, random forests allow users to explore different parameters, such as the number of trees in the random forest and the maximum depth of each tree. Therefore, which helps random forests customise to fit specific datasets.

Random Forest Examples

In a variety of real-world applications Random forest, algorithms are used, including but not limited to the following examples:

  • Fraud Detection

It can detect fraudulent transactions by building classification models that identify suspicious patterns in transaction data.

  • Image Recognition

Random forests can also be used for image recognition tasks such as recognising handwritten digits or facial features.

  • Customer Churn Prediction

It can help businesses predict when customers will leave, allowing them to take proactive measures to keep customers engaged and retain business.

  • Medical Diagnosis

It can be utilised for medical diagnosis tasks such as cancer or diabetes through patient data like age, family history, and other factors.

  • Text Analysis

To identify topics in a given text random forests can be used for text analysis tasks such as sentiment analysis or text classification.

  • Recommendation Systems 

Random forests are commonly used to generate recommendations based on user preferences and past behavior.

  • Time Series Forecasting

Finally, random forest algorithms can be used for time series forecasting tasks such as predicting stock prices or sales volumes over time.

The Cons of Random Forest Data Science

This predictive model has been widely adopted due to its ability to handle large datasets and its ability to accurately predict complex relationships between variables. However, random forest is not a silver bullet for data science problems and has cons along with benefits. 

  • Random forests require a large amount of data to produce reliable results, and they may not perform well on too small datasets.
  • Random forests can also be slow to train and predict as the number of trees in the forest increases.
  • They also tend to have difficulty with categorical variables with large numbers of levels, as this can lead to a lot of “noise” in the model results.

Random Forest vs. Decision Tree

When it comes to machine learning algorithms, two of the most popular methods are Random Forest and Decision Tree. Both can be used for data classification and regression tasks, but they have a few similarities and differences that make them better suited for different types of applications


  • Both random forests and decision trees are supervised machine-learning algorithms for classification and regression tasks.
  • They use a tree-like structure to display decisions and make predictions, with leaves representing the output class or value.
  • Both also require minimal data pre-processing before they can be used to construct models.
  • Additionally, random forests and decision trees are relatively fast compared to other complex machine learning algorithms. For instance, deep neural networks or support vector machines, make them an attractive option for large datasets with big feature sets.


  • The random forests generate multiple decision trees combined to make a final prediction. Whereas decision trees only generate one tree.
  • Random forests also use random subsets of features when constructing each tree in the forest. Therefore enabling them to capture more complex interactions between variables and produce more accurate predictions than individual decision trees.
  • Finally, random forests often require less parameter tuning than decision trees. Hence, making them easier to apply in practice. In contrast, decision trees need careful tuning of parameters. For instance, the maximum depth of the tree or the minimum number of samples per leaf node to generate valuable results.


Random forests are a powerful and flexible machine learning algorithm that can be applied to various data science tasks. Their randomness helps them avoid overfitting the training data while combining multiple decision trees leads to more accurate predictions than individual decision trees. 

There are multiple online courses by Emeritus on data science and machine learning that can help you learn random forests. The courses are taught by industry experts and provide a comprehensive overview of random forest algorithms with practical applications of it.

About the Author

Senior Content Contributor, Emeritus Blog
Varun, a seasoned content creator with over 8 years of diverse experience, excels in crafting engaging content for various geographies and categories. Leveraging this expertise, he seamlessly translates complex concepts into enriching educational content for the EdTech domain. His keen understanding of research and life experiences helps him resonate with students and create fact-based content. He finds solace and inspiration in music, nurturing his creativity for content creation.
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