Product Management Prototyping Products and Product Innovation “If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a prototype is worth a thousand meetings.” – IDEO A few years ago, while working with…
Product Management Product Manager: In-demand Skills to Succeed Product Manager: In-demand Skills to Succeed Product Management demands a variety of skills, but on high-level skills required can be classified into two categories; Hard…
Product Management Product Analysis: An Important Skillset for a Product Manager Analyzing a product is one of the most important skills a Product Manager should have. It helps in competitive benchmarking and also improves the existing…
Product Management Sense-Making – An Essential Future Work Skill Our world is full of information, implicit and explicit, often overloading our cognitive and sensory abilities at any given moment. Adding to this milieu is…
Design Thinking Rigour of Design Thinking in Organisational Practice The design thinking phenomenon has been fascinating to follow. It has made a successful jump from design practices to other realms of business, from marketing…
Leadership Creative Leadership in the Age of Flux Gone are the days of predictability and comfort. Today, ‘unprecedented ‘ is a commonly used phrase, often prefixed when referring to matters of politics, economy,…
Sales & Marketing Why is it so Important to Enhance your Selling and Persuasion Skills? If you would persuade, you must appeal to interest rather than intellect – Benjamin Franklin Modern marketers require sophisticated skills to thrive in the market.…
Sales & Marketing Introduction to Branding: Segmentation Brands, irrespective of their industry sector and size, need a structured way to maximize their influence. At the basic level, this can be done by…
Cybersecurity Getting Started in Cybersecurity as a Career The thought of starting a career in Cybersecurity can be exciting for some, especially those who are just about to graduate or have an avid…
Information Technology Securing the Ways of Work in a Virtual World The world has witnessed one of the most unprecedented times with the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic. As countries gear up to get the vaccination programs…
Leadership Communication for Effective Leadership It is understood that the ability to communicate effectively is a vital aspect of all leaders. Communication is all about knowing what the audience wants…
Leadership Multi-party Negotiations and Applicable Strategies Complex negotiations are becoming commonplace. The complexity of our negotiations increases with the number of parties involved. Our ability to deal with these negotiations involving…